Today, we sent our fifth email tracking recent actions and news concerning European Family Investment Companies (EFICs). This Edition contained news items featuring 17 FICs from Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, UK, Bermuda and Greece, again focussing on how European FICs are responding to the pandemic.
News coverage includes acquisitions, investments, new contracts, sustainable initiatives, dividend revisions, leadership, tradiing statements and annual results, rebuffing an activist investor, use of new technology and the passing of a FIC founder. The News Briefing concludes with nine practical Takeaways, our interpretations of what the news means for family businesses.
NOTE: EFIC News Briefing is made freely available to family businesses, all those who work for or with them, or anyone else who is interested – during the pandemic. We hope it is of use in these challenging times. We will be happy to answer any questions or discuss anything further. And do send us your comments, ideas and suggestions and any news stories you see.
To have your name added to our list of email recipients for future EFIC News Briefings please email:
info @