7 December 2020: Family subscribers to The European Family Investment Company Report plus a few invited guests and experts, including the heads of family business associations, from across 11 countries, met online for the fourth time.
The Conversation was led by a guest speaker, a family member from a multi-generational, private family investment company who introduced two topics.
The first topic was The Reason Why: Formulating family enterprise mission and purpose. For this he shared his family’s written purpose and mission, and discussed how these were formulated and reviewed.
The second topic was The Reason Why: Living family enterprise mission and purpose. Here our guest speaker discussed how a family can live its mission and purpose and gave some practical examples about how his family had achieved that.
After our guest speaker had introduced each topic, attendees participated in polls followed by discussion.
Based on the comments of our guest speaker, and enhanced with the experience and ‘war stories’ shared by our attendees, we then condensed and distributed our Takeaways under the headings of: Principles, Process, Output, Consensus, Engagement, Implementation and Refreshing.
In a new initiative, after the ‘formal’ Virtual Conversation had closed, we invited attendees to join the guest speaker, our team and their peers for a Virtual Coffee in the Cyber Foyer, where we had a very open and wide-ranging discussion of family business and investment issues.
NOTE: to enquire how to receive the full text of the Takeaways from this EFIC Virtual Conversation or how to join our community of family investment companies, please email: info @ deanbridgeinternational.com
As this is our last post of the year, we wish all our friends and followers a very Happy Christmas and every best wish for a Healthy and Successful New Year.