The authors of The European Family Investment Company Report are pleased to share this update with our subscribers and selected others.

In a double, Summer edition our twenty-first update email continues to track recent actions and news concerning European Family Investment Companies (FICs). This Edition contains news items featuring 34 FICs from Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, UK, The Netherlands, Sweden, Hong Kong, Norway, Greece and Italy. Again, examining how European FICs are managing as the pandemic crisis continues.

This edition includes a slew of half-year results, with many FICs posting excellent, even record-breaking numbers, so proving again that while FICs have not been immune to the challenges of the pandemic, the FIC model is highly resilient in times of crisis. As further proof of their resilience and good health, FICs continue to make new and supplementary investments – in sectors ranging from forestry to healthcare, online gaming to rocket technology – to support investment strategies including ‘impact’ and entering new geographies and sectors. Exits and part-exits also show the flexibility of the FIC model as they re-balance portfolios, capitalise on high asset prices or bring in outside investors. The same flexibility is demonstrated by reports of FICs working with partners to create new ventures and make new investments, and in one case, a FIC planning to take itself private. In addition, we have examples of FICs doing business with other FICs; families investing with families. Other coverage includes successful generational transition, FICs supporting their history and heritage, FICs showing responsibility by supporting the vulnerable and their communities and another senior female appointment. Truly a busy summer for our FIC community.

The News Briefing concludes with 20 practical Takeaways, our interpretations of what the news means for family investment companies.

NOTE: EFIC News Briefing is sent to subscribers to the European Family Investment Company Report, members of our Advisory Network and selected others at our discretion. We hope it is of use in these challenging times. We will be happy to answer any questions or discuss anything further. And do send us your comments, ideas and suggestions and any news stories you see.

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