The authors of The European Family Investment Company Report are pleased to share this update with our subscribers and carefully selected others.
Our twenty-second update email continues to track recent actions and news concerning European Family Investment Companies (FICs). This Edition contains news items featuring 20 FICs from Bermuda, Germany, Sweden, France, Norway, Switzerland, UK, The Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Belgium and Poland. Again, we examine how European FICs are managing as the pandemic crisis continues.
FIC investment activity continues apace, with new investments in health-tech, food, agtech, aquaculture and e-sports. Portfolio companies are supported with add-on acquisitions to increase sector presence and enter new geographies, with one FIC significantly increasing its market share in Ireland. Liquidity is strengthened with bond issues, one FIC entered the public debt market for the first time. Once again FIC flexibility is demonstrated in a number of stories. By FICs selling portfolio companies or planning to list them. Or setting up an entire new division to grasp opportunities in a new market or a new, physical centre to support innovation in a core investment area. In addition, FICs continue to show their responsibility during a time of crisis, with two making significant donations to help those affected by the pandemic. There are items covering outside talent being brought in to fill a senior role, FICs working with expert partners, FICs investing alongside FICs, an issue of governance and external shareholders and one FIC celebrating an important anniversary showing once more the importance of heritage and historic symbolism to support continuity, culture and change.
The News Briefing concludes with 14 practical Takeaways, our interpretations of what the news means for family investment companies.
NOTE: EFIC News Briefing is sent to our subscribers to The European Family Investment Company Report, members of our Advisory Network and selected others at our discretion. We hope it is of use in these challenging times. We will be happy to answer any questions or discuss anything further. And do send us your comments, ideas and suggestions and any news stories you see.
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